Understanding Positive Life Research and Practice on Positive Psychology

Autor(s) Teresa Freire

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Editora: Climepsi Editores
Ano: 2009
Nº Páginas: 448
Peso: 0.640 Kg
Dimensões: 155x230x22 mm
ISBN: 9789727963102
Categoria(s) Psicologia
Disponibilidade: Em Stock
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Positive Psychology has become a major approach to the scientific study of individual, social, community and cultural processes. This book includes a selection of papers presented at the 3rd European Conference on Positive Psychology, organized in Braga at the University of Minho, Portugal in 2006. The title of the book reflects its main purpose and a main concern for positive psychology - Understanding Positive Life - balanced between the two scientific pillars, the research and the practice. Several contributions concerning theory, research and practice are presented in three different parts: Happiness, Well-being and Life Satisfaction (PartI); Performance, Coping and Quality of life (PartII); and assessment, Intervention and Practice for a Positive Life (PartIII). Each part includes eight chapters, with a great diversity of authors coming from different countries.